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Brittney S. Harris

Professor, Director, Performance-Based Activist

In one word or phrase, what does “inheritance” mean to you?

‘Inheritance’ makes me think of the freedom an individual has to be true to themselves by any means, without limits or doubt.


“We are all actors: being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it.”- Augusto Boal


Brittney Harris, M.F.A. is an Assistant Professor of Theatre in the Department of Communication and Theatre Arts at Old Dominion University. Her areas of expertise are in Race and Performance, Performance as Activism, and Devised Community-Engaged Theatre. Her creative scholarship efforts are supported and documented by the practices of PaR (Performance as Research). As an artist and educator, her approach to creativity centers on providing a sacred space for discovery, exploration, and individuality.


Brittney's research surveys the adverse effects of vicarious trauma from social media on the personal psyche and how narrative-based storytelling is used as a vessel for social resilience and redemption. Specific topics explored, but not limited to, are Racial Injustice, Mental Health Awareness, Gender Equality, and Domestic Violence Awareness.


Her research has been featured at several national interdisciplinary conferences and fringe festivals, including the Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference (ATHE), National Women’s Theatre Festival, and Black Theatre Network.

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