Help us strengthen more communities
The Inheritance Theater Project is a nonprofit 501(c)3, meaning your donation is 100% tax deductible. Your donation goes directly to supporting our work by:
Allowing us to pay artists and staff a living wage
Covering expenses (cut travel) to visit communities frequently and build trust
Supporting costs for community forums and workshops to help develop the play
Contributing to final professional production to the entire city
Our EIN is: 32-0592479
Donating Online
Checks can be mailed to:
Inheritance Theater Project
PO Box 578
New York, NY 10026
To commission a project, contact Jon at jon@inheritancetheater.org.
Other Ways to Support
Are you interested in donating by contributing securities or via a Corporate Matching Program?
Please email development@inheritancetheater.org
The Inheritance Theater Project has received generous support from:
Asylum Arts
Hampton Roads Community Foundation
Interfaith Cincy
Invested Faith
Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation
Jewish Federation of Tidewater
The Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation
Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah
Network for Ensemble Theaters
NYSCA-A.R.T./New York Creative Opportunity Fund (A Statewide Theatre Regrant Program)
Omaha Community Foundation
The Platt Family Foundation
Palm Beach Jewish Federation
Virginia Humanities